How to Get Virtual Assistant Clients During a Crisis
Nov 30, 2020If you're worried about keeping your Virtual Assistant and Virtual Expert® clients during this pandemic, I am here to reassure you. There is zero need to worry.
Your clients need your assistance now, more than ever -- so they can pivot if needed and continue to grow their businesses.
Here are 3 tips on how to keep your VA and VE® clients during this pandemic.
Tip #1: Maintain Or Establish A Leadership Position In The Market
- Communicate (start with the thing on all our minds -- the pandemic)
- Over-communicate
- Get seen in ways you never have before:
a. Facebook Live & Articles
b. Blog
c. YouTube Videos
d. LinkedIn articles & video
e. Get interviewed on podcasts
f. Do a webinar
g. Double down on everything you've already been doing to market and get seen
You will have a massive head start on all who wallow in the worry.
Now that you're communicating more and being seen more, here are a few steps to lead your market:
1.Address worries and concerns as they relate to how you serve your market
- State their concerns.
- Give them helpful tips on how to overcome those worries and concerns.
- Finally, reassure them that they will survive and thrive in this new economy.
For example, if you are a bookkeeper for small businesses, they are probably worried about cash flow -- and since that's a topic you address for clients -- brainstorm with them how they might increase their cash flow.
If you're a blogger for small businesses, help by coming up with a list of blog topics your clients might want to have you write about that are pertinent to the pandemic. Reassure clients that these topics can help your client's clients in the same way you're helping.
2. Create a community – this is the time when people want a community
- Webinars
- Facebook groups
3. Tell them what you can do for them:
- Bookkeeper for small Biz owners – let me fill out the form to get a low-interest loan
- Blogger for small biz owners -- let me come up with 5 hot topics to help your clients' now
Tip #2: Help Traditional Businesses Think Outside the Box
Help them figure out how to do curbside, takeout, or delivery.
Then help them get online to let the world know what they have available:
- set up a FB biz page
- set up a FB group
- update their LI profile
- set up Pinterest
- Etsy shop
- e-commerce shopping cart
so they can sell: Housewares, Jewelry, Makeup, Books, Clothes, Gifts and Alcohol
Tip #3: Contact Current Clients
- Call, email, PM, DM, text, Facebook live and tag them (use not one method, but most or all methods)
- Offer to help in any way possible. Let them know you’re thinking of them.
- Offer to brainstorm how they might use this time to become a leader in their market.
Entrepreneurs and business owners are sure to have dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of projects they've put off.
- Help them to see how to use their time efficiently so they can create more business now and build a business that's more resilient:
a. Create that course
b. Write that book
c. Create a new lead magnet (or 2 or 3)
d. Record those videos
e. Start that LinkedIn or FB community
f. Do FB Ads (they’re about 20% cheaper)
g. Do LinkedIn marketing
h. Get Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) written
When you implement these 3 tips, your clients will thank you, and they'll have an even greater need for your services.
So what's your next step to build your VA and VE® business? Subscribe to my YouTube channel. (Be sure to like and comment while you’re there.)
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