Is It Worth Becoming a Virtual Assistant? Yes, If You Want To Love Your Career
Aug 20, 2020
According to an October 2019 article in Forbes, over fifty percent of the American workforce is dissatisfied with their job and cites four reasons that contribute to that discontentment.
Those causes include
1) Little to no opportunities for advancement,
2) poor company culture,
3) being underpaid, and
4) loathsome manager and coworkers.
As you reflect on your job,
Are you unhappy and unfulfilled?
Do you feel drained?
Are you struggling to find purpose and balance in your life?
Then a career as a Virtual Assistant or Virtual Expert® might be just the change you need to go from sad to joyful and begin loving your career.
Since 2001, I’ve been a Virtual Assistant, a Virtual Expert®, and a business trainer and coach exclusively for VAs and VEs. During those years, I’ve discovered that becoming a Virtual Assistant truly allows you to love your career and feel fulfilled.
Here are a few of the top reasons VAs and VEs love their careers:
Your Value is Recognized
Often professional dissatisfaction stems from the feeling that you’re undervalued. You may be underpaid, have little opportunity for advancement, or be stuck in a company culture that consistently leaves you drained. You’re merely going through the motions. You get up each day and work hard — and at the end of each day, you feel overwhelmed and underappreciated.
As a Virtual Assistant, you become an expert in your niche. You attract high-paying clients who appreciate the services you provide.
As a VA, you can put the days of dreading the workday and feeling like you don’t contribute anything of worth behind you. Instead, you’ll find that you’re excited about the tasks that fill your day.
As a Virtual Assistant, your perception of work will change. You’ll be joyful, fulfilled, and excited to make a difference that helps others achieve their goals.
Your Work-Life Balance Improves
As a traditional employee, you are required to be at work during specific days of the week and times of the day. There is no room for freedom or flexibility in that schedule.
As a Virtual Assistant and Virtual Expert®, you have complete control over your schedule. You have the freedom and flexibility to choose the days of the week and times of day you work.
Want the morning off to attend a yoga class? Need the flexibility to care for a child or grandchild? Want to travel? As a VA, you don’t need to get approval from a boss or take any vacation time to do so.
Even your work location is entirely up to you. You can work by the pool in the warm weather, and by the fireplace in the cold weather. Or perhaps you want to move so you can follow the warm weather. It’s all up to you.
Because you have complete control over your Virtual Assistant business, you’re able to set your limits … or choose to become limitless. Instead of being told what tasks you must complete, how much money you can make, and when you’ve reached the peak of your career, you get to decide it all for yourself.
A career as a VA allows you to make the amount of money you desire while doing what you love. You also have the opportunity to continuously learn. That creates more opportunities to grow both yourself and your business.
You Leave A Legacy
As a Virtual Assistant, you can be the example of an empowered woman who can take her struggles and turn them into something positive and successful.
You create that legacy for your family and yourself. How will it feel to know that you’ve shown your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews that life really can be fun, fulfilling, and all they can ever dream it can be?
Discover how to create a successful VA and Virtual Expert® business. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Comment, Like and Subscribe while you’re there.
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