How to Overcome The Fear Of Starting A Virtual Assistant Business?

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Whether it’s household chores, work tasks, or significant business decisions, sometimes it seems easier to put things off than it is to get started and conquer whatever lies in front of you.

The most opposition is often getting started.

There’s always something more entertaining than household chores. Or, if you’re grappling with the decision to become a Virtual Assistant or Virtual Expert,® you let all the risks and uncertainties be your excuse for not starting.

When you delay starting anything -- whether it's your housework or a new career -- what’s the outcome?

If it’s household chores, you know you eventually have to do them. Unfortunately, magic fairies that leave your house in sparkles aren’t real.

Likewise, putting off work-related tasks yields the same results. Eventually, you must do them, and by procrastinating, you’re now rushed and stressed out.

Let's examine the results of delaying your decision to start a new career. Perhaps you remain stuck in an unfulfilling job. Perhaps you get no raises or tiny raises so as the cost of living increases, your income falls further and further behind.

The consequences of not getting started seem worse than taking that first action and conquering what’s in front of you to accomplish something that will ultimately lead to a more gratifying life.

From my personal experience and the experience of hundreds of business owners I've interviewed, I've learned that after taking the first step to accomplish tasks or make a big decision, the subsequent steps are a lot easier.


How do you overcome the fear of starting your Virtual Assistant business?



Daily, preferably every evening before you quit work for the day, make a list of the next day's top 3 priorities. Once you know your priorities, schedule specific times to complete the most pressing tasks of your day. Identifying the most important tasks in your day, allows you to focus on one particular task at a time without feeling bombarded by all the other things you need to accomplish. It gives you focus and perspective.

You can complete repetitive tasks on the same day every week. Then,  prioritize your tasks within a structure that’s already familiar. You're creating a habit, thus, increasing your productivity and decreasing your stress and anxiety.

If you’re grappling with a big business decision, such as getting started in your VA business, prioritize your reasons for even entertaining the idea. Then, use those reasons to inspire your choice.

What do you want to change in your life that serves as motivation for this decision?

Why is it important to you?

What will you gain if you take the first step? (What will you lose if you do not take the first step?)

What’s holding you back?


Recognize You’re in Control

You have a choice to make. You can give in to procrastination and live with the consequences. Or, you can set specific goals and time frames in which to achieve your goals.

Most often, the only person standing in your way is you.

Therefore, set goals, make plans, schedule specific times to dedicate to particular tasks, and get out of your own way.

It's not the decision that's difficult. It's the ‘indecision.’


Let Go of Perfection

Often the task itself, especially if its unfamiliar, challenging, or time consuming, is intimidating. And, the intimidation of the task itself is compounded by the desire for perfection. Let go of perfection. Getting something done is much more important than getting it perfect.

Remember my motto, "Progress over Perfection."


Take the Time for the Things You Enjoy

Make room in your life for the things you love. Taking even minimal breaks during the day to do something you enjoy can have a significant impact on your productivity.

An Entrepreneur article addressing the importance of taking time off states “working without letup is a bad habit that can jeopardize business, health and the life you’re supposedly working toward .”

Failing to take time for yourself to do the things you love eventually leads to burn out. You need breaks — times to rest and recharge. Give yourself that time. Even the smallest investment in yourself can have a huge impact.


Ask Yourself: Is it worth it?

Sometimes the consequences of procrastination are minimal. For example, does waiting to complete your household chores until three hours later have a major impact on your life? Probably not.

But, that time does add up.

And, the bigger the task or decision that you’re putting off, the more impact it holds over your life.

Do the choices you’re delaying impact your happiness or success? If yes, are you willing to suspend your joy or prosperity because you’re scared of taking the first step?


Get support

When you have support to help you move forward to complete any task, especially something as important as getting started in your virtual career, it's much easier and less scary.

Join my Expert VA and Virtual Expert® community to receive support from me and other successful Virtual Experts®.


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