Are You Ready to Enjoy the Flexibility of Being a Virtual Assistant? Youā€™ll Need These 4 Things.
Oct 04, 2022Workers learned many valuable lessons from the COVID pandemic, but one of the most important involved self-sufficiencies. With a few new technologies such as online conferencing tools, every employee in non-manufacturing, “knowledge” industries could enjoy the flexibility of working from home.
From the “C-Suite” to middle management to technology staff and every other position in the enterprise, it was no longer necessary to show up at an office to do a job. Of course, this shift also affected those who work in administration. For those “admins” whose life required more flexibility than the usual “9 to 5” at an office, the position of becoming a virtual assistant was and is a great alternative.
If you’re organized, understand online scheduling and conferencing tools and have high-speed internet service, you might be an excellent candidate to become a virtual assistant. Take this brief quiz and find out what services to offer.
What Is a Virtual Assistant?
One factor remained consistent in the post-pandemic workplace: The work still had to be done. It was simply done virtually.
According to Kathy Goughenour, a pioneer in training workers on successfully navigating virtual business, “Demand for Virtual Assistants (Vas) is growing rapidly. Small businesses and entrepreneurs who need support are discovering that Virtual Assistants can provide it more cost-effectively than employees.
“To determine if the specific services and skills you want to offer are in high demand, do some research online and offline. We can show you how to do this in the Expert VA® Training program.
“A virtual assistant business is one where the employee works from their home, using a computer and phone to communicate with your clients. As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you offer administrative, technical, or support services to clients who are typically small business owners, solopreneurs, or entrepreneurs.
“A successful VA carefully chooses the niche he or she wants to specialize in and the virtual assistant skills they want to offer. The range of specialties is vast. For example, two Virtual Assistants assisted me with my internet businesses. One specialized in “Membergate” software (which is where my “Lead Booster Club” site resided) and one specialized in social media marketing on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.”
The Technology Required to Start Is Simple
During the Expert VA® Training, Kathy explains what someone starting a virtual assistant business needs to purchase, where to buy it and what they will likely pay for it. In general, here’s what a VA’s start-up budget should include. The expenses are estimated:
- An up-to-date computer (most will have this already.)
- High-speed internet access (about $40 per month)
- Phone with low cost, preferably unlimited, long distance (about $30 per month)
- Skills training. If you are already an expert at the services you want to offer, you won’t need to spend anything. Even if you aren’t an expert, many skills can be learned for free online. (There are a wide variety of Virtual Assistant skills training available online between $100 and $700.)
Earning Potential of a Virtual Assistant
While earnings will vary depending on the VA specialty, training, expertise, and industry served, the average North American Virtual Assistant earns $35 to $50 per hour, with some going as low as $25 per hour and as high as $175 per hour.
Many successful, full-time Virtual Assistants can work an average of 20 billable hours a week, 50 weeks a year, at $50 per hour, thus earning $50,000 a year.
Which virtual assistant niche is right for you? Take this quick quiz and find out.
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